Current Happenings
Don't miss our Upcoming events:
CLASSIC RADIO ROAD SHOW, LIVE! - presents "It's A Wonderful Life," the holiday classic as a radio play with a LIVE show on Sunday, December 8, 2024 @ 1:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall. All the characters of Bedford will be acted by a handful of talented actors. Sound effects will be performed by a Foley artist, manipulating props to create soundscape. Join the actors after the performance for the "It's A Wonderful Life" Trivia Game! Plus, 2 brand new more funny LUX commercials by Anthony Aversano. Tickets are a freewill offering at the door with proceeds to benefit Cross of Glory Lutheran Church. Refreshments will be provided. Thank you and we hope to see you there!
OUR 17TH ANNUAL CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING & CAROL SING - will be held on Sunday, December 15, 2024 @ 5:00 PM. In addition to the tree lighting and carol singing, everyone will enjoy a smorgasbord of home-baked pastries provided by the members of our congregation as well as other food and refreshments from various local businesses, including: Delicious Orchards, Jersey Mike's Subs, and Texas Roadhouse. The evening will begin indoors with the Carol Sing and will conclude outdoors with the lighting of our Christmas Tree and Nativity! Our goal is to offer families and friends an opportunity to gather together to share some of the simple joys of the Christmas Season, twinkling lights, carol singing, and lots of tasty goodies. This evening promises to be fun for people of all ages, so everyone is invited to attend. Thank you and we hope to see you there! -Jeremy Samuelson, Event Chairman
LUTHERAN MEN IN MISSION NEXT BREAKFAST MEETING - will be held on Saturday, January 18, 2025 @ 8:00 AM. Come hungry and ready for some great fellowship. -Walter Kain
WEDNESDAY EVENING FELLOWSHIP HOUR - REMOTE - Laurie Noch continues to host a weekly Fellowship Hour online using Google Meet, Wednesdays at 7:00 PM. The time together includes all of the warmth of an in-person gathering minus the good food and cleanup! We discuss the Sunday readings, Gospel message, and how it relates to our lives. Come join us! To receive an E-mail invitation or learn more please call or text Laurie Noch at 732-492-2545. You can also E-mail her at lmcgeenoch@gmail.com or E-mail Pastor Pezet at lepez100@gmail.com.
REMEMBER THE FOOD PANTRY - Kindly remember the Matawan Community Food Pantry. An occasional can or two or even a box or two of non-perishable food items would be greatly appreciated. Items can be placed in the wooden crates outside of the Church Office in the Narthex. Thank you.
FELLOWSHIP HALL AVAILABILITY - Keep in mind, the Fellowship Hall is available for use for parties and events. Please contact Jim Easley or the Church Office for rates and availability.
GOT COFFEE? - You do if someone makes it! Please help out with coffee hour on Sunday by signing up on the chart near the coffee pot during coffee hour. If you are new to this, also pick up a "Sunday Coffee Guidelines" sheet that explains all the details. Anyone can do this job! Cross of Glory runs on YOU!
THE 2024 ALTAR FLOWER & SANCTUARY LIGHT CANDLE CHART - is posted on the bulletin board in the Narthex. Consider placing flowers on the altar in honor or in memory of a special person in your life. Arrangements are priced at $20.00 and candles are priced at $10.00. Many spaces are available. Thank you. -Lynn Harris